Celebrate the Feast of Trumpets with us! We share in this forward-looking celebration of the return of Jesus Christ. We plan to share in pot-luck lunch after services.

Where and When
03 Oct 2024, 10:30 am – 12:10 pm AWST
Ellenbrook Christian College, 5 Santona Blvd, Ellenbrook WA 6069, Australia
About the Feast
The Feast of Trumpets celebrates the reality of Jesus' Coming: first, when "The Word became flesh" in His First Coming, and looking forward to the establishment of His Kingdom on earth in His Second Coming. Living Waters Church of God is holding a service celebrating this wonderful remembrance.
All are welcome!
Please register your attendance, so that we can prepare the venue.
If you would like to, please bring a contribution to the pot-luck lunch that others will be able to share. An entree item, main, dessert or drinks are all welcome. A kitchen will be available to store and/or heat food items (but not for cooking). Tea and coffee will be provided.
Worship Services begin promptly at 10:30 a.m.
Lunch will begin after completion of the service.
The venue is:
Ellenbrook Christian College
Primary Library
Northern Carpark, Corner Santona and San Lorenzo Blvd
A collection will be taken up during the service.
We look forward to seeing you there!
30 minutesArrival
1 hour 30 minutesWorship Service