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September Feast Update


All of our Feast organisation is going beautifully. We're grateful to God for the blessing of being able to share this Feast with so many. And thank you to those who have been working so hard to make things happen.


Scores of people have registered so far, requiring us to upgrade the room we had booked for a number of the services at Mandurah Offshore Fishing and Sailing Club. Most services will now be in the Main Restaurant room. It's still the same venue and address. (Remember that Saturday 26th will be at the Mandurah Bowling and Rec Club.)

It's a good "problem" to have had :) We're so glad we have so many wishing to join in for the Feast. We're excited that we'll be seeing old and new friends, coming together to celebrate the Kingdom of Christ of which we are part and to rejoice in the future He has promised for all mankind and, indeed, the universe.

We have more registrations coming in each week. If you would like to join us and have not yet registered, please don't hesitate. We have plenty of room for worship services and our activities.

Whether you are amongst those you know or feel like you might be a stranger, don't worry, you won't be alone. We're not strangers in Christ, we're brothers and sisters. You'll find friendly smiles and welcomes, if not a hug or two or three, from fellow citizens of the Kingdom of Heaven.


There is still room for almost all activities. If we need to put a cap on any particular activities, we will note it on the website and disable further registrations for that event. So if an activity is still open for you to register via the website, don't worry, you'll have a seat.

Nevertheless, if you have a query or concern beforehand, please feel free to contact us via chat or the contact form at any time.

Any activities involving a fee, such as the lunches, quiz night dinner and Penguin Island trip all have some costs involved. Please check the related event page for specific costs. Payment for these events will be handled at the time. Please ensure you note if you have pensioner/concession status on your registration and when paying, as some events do have a concession available.

Worship Services

We're delighted that we will have a number of Special Music items throughout the Feast, which will complement our corporate singing, prayers and the messages. As the central feature of the Feast, we are looking forward to the spiritual food God will provide during the Festival.

The Theme for the Feast is "Rejoice, For Our Citizenship Is In Heaven."

All of our Feast organisation is going beautifully. We're grateful to God for the blessing of being able to share this Feast with so many. Thank you to those who have been working so hard to make things happen.
21 who will transform our lowly body that it may be conformed to His glorious body, according to the working by which He is able even to subdue all things to Himself."

- Philippians 3:20-21


Please contact us any time you have questions. We will attempt to respond to queries within a reasonable time.

There are less than two weeks to go! We're excited and eagerly anticipate being with you soon.

Peter McLean

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